
2023-08-22 7:27:32 聚哦资讯 聚哦



北京时间2017年05月21日21:00时,意甲第37轮,尤文图斯主场迎战克罗托内。最终, 尤文图斯主场3:0战胜克罗托内,亚历克斯·桑德罗,迪巴拉,曼祖基奇为主队建功。





尤文图斯本场网友分享阵容(4-2-3-1):1-布冯·吉安路易吉 / 23-阿尔维斯、19-博努奇·莱昂纳多、4-马德希·贝纳蒂亚、12-亚历克斯·桑德罗 / 5-米拉勒姆·皮亚尼奇、8-马尔基西奥·克劳迪奥 / 7-胡安·夸德拉多、21-迪巴拉、17-曼祖基奇 / 9-伊瓜因·冈萨罗

克罗托内本场网友分享阵容(4-4-2):1-科尔达兹·亚历克斯 / 22-阿莱安德罗·罗西、17-费德里科、13-法拉利、87-布鲁诺·马特拉 / 6-马库斯·罗登、8-克里塞蒂格·洛伦佐、18-巴贝里斯·安德雷亚、9-安德里亚 / 24-亚历山大·托内夫、11-迭戈·弗萨尼利


译 典

2020.5.6 第157期








WANG Yuming, Hidden Hue by literary name, born in 1941 in Jilin Province, graduated from Tsinghua University. The poet is an Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, an expert in mechanical design and theory, a professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University, a member of the Academic Committee of Tsinghua University, the director of Department’s Academic Committee and of the Academic Committee of National Key Laboratory of Automobile Safety and Energy Saving. Meanwhile, he is also a consultant of Chinese Poetry Society, the director of the Academician Painting and Calligraphy Society of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and an honorary president of Lotus Pond Poetry Society at Tsinghua University. His hobbies include poetry, couplets and photography. His poetry anthologies are Wang Yuming’s Poetry Anthology,Crescent over the Lotus Pond,My Heart’s like Autumn Water & Water’s like Sky, and a photo collection is Wise Water & Benevolent Hill. (徐艺玮译)

My Heart Flies

By WANG YumingTr. ZHAO Yanchun

Since Shangrilla you are to find,

The wind and frost why do you mind?

At night you reach for the pass moon;

At dawn, to sunlit tides you croon.

Ice floating, the waves hear no sound;

Heart serene, the space sees no bound.

The snow-clad crag soars to the sky,

And with the clouds it’s prone to fly.


赵彦春,博士生导师,上海大学中国文化翻译研究中心主任,国际学术期刊Translating China 主编,国际汉学与教育研究会会长、传统文化翻译与国际传播专业委员会会长、中国先秦史学会国学双语研究会执行会长,中国语言教育研究会副会长,其翻译作品,被誉为“有史以来最美汉英翻译”“神翻译”“神还原”。

Biosketch of the Translator:

ZHAO Yanchun: Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Center for Translation of Chinese Culture, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education Society, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion Committee, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association, Vice President of China Language Education Association, a proponent of the principle of translating poesie into poesie and classic into classic. His translations have been widely reported and acclaimed as the unprecedented Chinese-English translation, the best, the choice, the cream.








本期排版:曼 曼

《燕春台·春日地铁口,一树寂寞的木兰》A Lonely Tree of Magnolia at a Metro Stationin Spring — in Tune of Spring Feast

《戍边日记》My Garrison Diary

《绝句》A Quatrain Minor

《采莲曲》Lotus Plucking

《吉林雾凇》The Rime in Jilin

《中华白海豚》The Chinese Pink Dolphin

《踏莎行 将适杭州,别五年矣》In Tune of Treading on Grass

《早发白帝城》Early Departure from Whitegod

《望洞庭》Looking into Cavehall Lake

《青原道中》Back to Green Plain

《与小楼师友游小芝红树林》A Visit to Mangrove in Xiaozhi with Friends

《曲游春·武汉爱情故事》A Love Story in Wuhan—in Tune of Spring on the Bend

《饮湖上初晴后雨》A Drink on Lake West after a Rain

《望天门山》Watching Mt.Skygate

《水调歌头·缙云山》Mt. Red Silk-in Tune of Water Melody

《灵山春》Spring Coming to Mt. Spirit


《夜书所见》Seen at Night While I’m Reading

《赠刘景文》To Liu Jingwen

《题严子陵钓台》 An Inscription for Sir Ridge’s Fishing Platform

《山中读书》Reading in the Hills

《卜算子·大雾》Thick Fog

《山行》A Tour to the Hills

《所见》A Glimpse

《最高楼·悲嫁女》 Marrying Daughter Off Tune: the Highest Tower

《晨眺拒马河》 Overlooking the Juma River Early in the Morning

《舟夜书所见》A Night View When I Write on a Boat




1. housing problem住房问题● The government is trying to solve the housing problem.政府正在努力解决住房问题。2. urban expansion城市扩张● Urban expansion leads to the loss of the farmland.城市扩张导致耕地流失。3. population aging 人口老龄化● Population aging brings about many social problems.人口老龄化带来许多社会问题。4. TV talent show电视选秀节目● The TV talent show has been very popular in China.电视选秀节目在中国很受欢迎。5. copycat products山寨产品● Copycat products tend to have quality problems.山寨产品往往有质量问题。6. food safety食品安全● Food safety issues should be given enough attention.食品安全问题应得到足够的重视。7. left-behind children留守儿童● “Left-behind children” has aroused great public concern.留守儿童引起了公众的极大关注。8. ant tribe蚁族● The life condition of the ant tribe is disastrous.蚁族的生活状况极其恶劣。9. plastic surgery整形手术● Nowadays, many ordinary people choose to have plastic surgery.如今,许多普通人选择做整形手术。10. be addicted to the Internet上网成瘾● Teenagers are prone to be addicted to the Internet.青少年容易上网成瘾。11. Internet rumors网络谣言● Internet rumors spread quickly and widely.网络谣言传播速度快、范围广。12. drunk driving酒后驾车● Drunk driving has severe outcomes.酒后驾车后果严重。13. anti-corruption反腐败● Chinese government has launched a series of anti-corruption drives.中国政府发起了一系列的反腐行动。14. civil servant craze/fever公务员热● Civil servant craze/fever will not cool down in a short term.公务员热短期内不会改变。15. traffic jam交通拥堵● The traffic jam is a universal problem.交通拥堵是一个全球性问题。16. the rich second generation富二代● The emergence of the “rich second generation” causes extensive social concern.“富二代”的出现引起了社会的广泛关注。17. academic dishonesty学术造假● Academic dishonesty has a very bad social influence.学术造假有很坏的社会影响。18. polarization of the rich and the poor贫富分化● Polarization of the rich and the poor may give rise to lots of social problems.贫富分化会引发很多社会问题。19. privacy of celebrities名人隐私● Recently, there's a fierce debate on whether the privacy of celebrities can be revealed.最近,关于是否可以曝光名人隐私引发了一场激烈的讨论。20. social network社交网络● The social network has greatly changed the way we live and communicate.社交网络极大地改变了我们生活和交流的方式。21.Winter Paralympic Games冬季残疾人奥林匹克运动会22.It's a cartoon image of a panda wearing a spacesuit. It looks like a winter sports athlete from the future.这是一个穿着宇航服的熊猫的卡通形象。它看起来像来自未来的冬季运动运动员。23.Bing Dwen Dwen冰墩墩24Shuey Rhon Rhon雪容融25.Medical workers fight against the virus on the front line.


26.Medical workers fight against the virus on the front line.


健康码:health QR code绿码:Green Code黄码:Yellow Code

红码:Red Code

核酸检测:Nucleic acid test


动态清零:dynamic zero-Covid” policy、whack-a-mole game(外媒)

全域静态管理:citywide static management

药品和疫苗研发:drug and vaccine development




确诊病例:confirmed case


1. dedication奉献,全身心投入● Without wholehearted dedication, one cannot succeed.没有全心全意的奉献,人们就不可能成功。2. duty-bound义不容辞的● It is duty-bound for grown-ups to support their parents.成年子女赡养父母是义不容辞的责任。3. thrift节俭● Despite the improvement of the life condition, it is still necessary to advocate thrift.尽管生活水平提高了,但是提倡节俭还是有必要的。4. perseverance不屈不挠,坚持不懈● Success is about dogged determination and perseverance.成功在于坚定的决心和坚持不懈。5. practice filial piety奉行孝道● Practicing filial piety needs patience, perseverance and wisdom.

奉行孝道需要耐心、坚持和智慧。6. personal gains and losses个人得失● They work for the common good wholeheartedly, regardless of personal gains and losses.他们全心全意为公共利益,不计较个人得失。7. strive for excellence精益求精● Striving for excellence leads to perfection.精益求精成就完美。8. keep pace with the times与时俱进● Only through continuous learning can you keep pace with the times.只有不断学习,才能与时俱进。9. make joint efforts齐心协力● On many occasions, we need to make joint efforts to complete one task.许多情况下,我们需要齐心协力完成一项工作。10. self-cultivation自我修养● The purpose of reading is not only to gain knowledge, but also to improve self-cultivation. 读书的目的不只是获得知识,还在于提升自我修养。11. diligent勤奋的● Success will fall upon those who are diligent.成功会垂青那些勤奋的人。12. optimistic乐观的● Optimistic people can always see the silver lining in every cloud.乐观的人总能看到黑暗中的一线希望。13. pessimistic悲观的● Pessimistic emotion does harm to health.悲观的情绪对健康有害。14. release pressure释放压力● In modern society, people should learn to release pressure in proper ways.现代社会,人们应该学会用合适的方法释放压力。15. traditional virtue传统美德● Honesty is the traditional virtue of China.诚实是中华民族的传统美德。16. social skills社交技能● Social skills can benefit career development.社交技能有助于职业发展。17. respect the elderly and care for the young尊老爱幼● Chinese people regard it as a social responsibility to respect the elderly and care for the young.中国人把尊老爱幼看作是一种社会责任。18. lack of confidence缺乏自信● Lack of confidence may stop you from succeeding.缺乏自信会阻碍你成功。19. down-to-earth attitude脚踏实地的态度● One needs to hold a down-to-earth attitude toward work and study.无论工作还是学习,都应该保持一种脚踏实地的态度。20. self-restraint自我约束,自我克制● Successful people tend to have strong self-restraint.成功人士往往有着较强的自制力。


1. mass media大众媒体● In most parts of the world, the mass media are flourishing.在世界的大部分地方,大众媒体正在繁荣发展。2. cultural heritage文化遗产● The Great Wall, the cradle of Chinese civilization, is one of the world's cultural heritage sites.长城是中华文明的摇篮,是世界文化遗产之一。3. compulsory education义务教育● In education, we placed emphasis on strengthening compulsory education, especially in rural areas.在教育方面,我们重点加强了义务教育,特别是农村义务教育。4. exam-oriented/quality-oriented education应试/素质教育● The exam-oriented education is changing to the quality-oriented education gradually.应试教育正在逐步向素质教育转变。5. cultural integration文化融合● In order to solve this problem, we must strengthen cultural integration.要解决这个问题,我们必须加强文化融合。6. bomb 戏剧、电影等演砸● His latest play bombed on Broadway.他的最新剧作在百老汇演砸了。7. exotic culture异域文化● It might not be easy for students studying overseas to blend into an exotic culture.对于在海外学习的学生来讲,要融入异域文化可能并不容易。8. diploma文凭● The diploma just represents one's educational background.文凭只是反映一个人的教育背景。9. personal specialty个人特长● Would you like to take tennis up as an off-hour hobby or a personal specialty?你想把网球发展为业余爱好或个人特长吗?10. career fair招聘会● Last month, I found my job at a career fair my university sponsored.上个月,我在学校赞助的招聘会上找到了工作。11.job hunting找工作● After three years of unemployment, I started job hunting yesterday.失业三年后,我从昨天开始找工作。12. recruitment招聘● The recruitment process should be open and transparent.招聘过程应该公开透明。13. broaden one's horizons拓宽某人的视野● Taking courses of different subjects can broaden your horizons.学习不同的课程可以拓宽你的视野。14. the only child独生子女● She was the only child of a couple originally from Kansas.她是最初来自堪萨斯州的一对夫妇的独生女。15. follow suit效仿● Each time the company launched a new program, its rivals will follow suit at once.每次这家公司推出一套新的方案,它的竞争对手就立即效仿。16. social practice社会实践● In addition, social practice helps strengthen students' sense of social responsibility.此外,社会实践有助于增强学生的社会责任意识。17. skip classes逃课● Some students skip classes just because they have no interest in certain subjects.有些学生逃课仅仅是因为他们对某些科目不感兴趣。18. tuition (fee) 学费● Tuition is a barrier to students from poor families entering college.学费是贫困学生上大学的一大障碍。19. higher education高等教育● Many excellent but poor students lost the chance of higher education.许多优秀但家境贫穷的学生失去了接受高等教育的机会。20. arts/science文科/理科● Most colleges divide courses into two categories: arts and science.大多数大学把课程分为两类:文科和理科。


1. blind job-hopping盲目跳槽● Blind job-hopping is not conducive to career development.盲目跳槽不利于职业发展。2. worship of money拜金主义● The worship of money will distort one's personality.拜金主义会扭曲人格。3. professional ethics职业道德● Having good professional ethics is very important for a scholar.具有良好的职业道德对一名学者来说是很重要的。4. social security 社保● We will work to see that everyone has access to social security.全面实施全民参保计划。5. NEET group啃老族● The NEET group is not a peculiar Chinese group.啃老族并非中国特有的群体。6. sex ratio imbalance性别比例失衡● Many think the family planning policy results in sex ratio imbalance in China.很多人认为中国的计划生育政策导致了性别比例失衡。7. cellphone obsession沉迷于手机● Cellphone obsession may cause social phobia.沉迷于手机可能会引起社交恐惧症。8. vulgar culture低俗文化● College students should resist vulgar culture resolutely.大学生应当坚决抵制低俗文化。9. food safety strategy食品安全策略● We will initiate a food safety strategy to ensure that people have peace of mind about what they're putting on their plates.坚持食品安全战略,让人民吃得放心。10. public morals/morality公共道德● The erosion of public morals should be given sufficient attention to.公共道德的败坏应该引起足够重视。11. fake products假冒产品● Fake products severely damage the interests of consumers.假冒产品严重危害消费者利益。12. generation gap代沟● The generation gap creates obstacles to communication.代沟阻碍沟通交流。13. private cars私家车● The increase of private cars will aggravate the traffic jam.私家车的增多会加剧交通拥堵。14. electronic book电子书● Nowadays, reading electronic books is enjoying great popularity.如今,阅读电子书非常流行。15. junk message垃圾短信● The junk message has become a public hazard.垃圾短信已经成为公共危害。16. empty nester空巢老人● In the coming decades, the number of empty nesters will continue to increase.在未来的几十年里,空巢老人的数量将会持续增加。17. installment payment分期付款● Nowadays, installment payment has been widely adopted in China.现如今,分期付款已经在中国广泛使用。18. fast-paced life快节奏的生活● Due to the fast-paced life, modern people are prone to get depressed.由于快节奏的生活,现代人很容易抑郁。19. information era信息时代● The advent of the information era has enhanced our efficiency of work.信息时代的到来提高了我们的工作效率。




























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